Success Stories Skippy The Skippy Peanut Butter production facility opened in Little Rock in 1977. Since that time, two other production facilities consolidated into the Little Rock plant, making it the world’s sole producer and packager of Skippy Peanut Butter. Hormel Foods, LLC purchased Skippy in 2013 and chose to retain operations in Little Rock. The 158,000 square-foot production and packaging plant has succeeded over the past few decades, thriving on the innovative spirit of the Metro Little Rock workforce, with its ability to adapt and streamline production to stay ahead of the curve in modern food processing. The facility also relies on Metro Little Rock’s extensive rail system for deliveries and distribution. Approximately 750,000 pounds of peanuts are brought to the Skippy plant by rail car each day, allowing the facility to produce 11 varieties and more than 3.5 million pounds of peanut butter each week.