Success Stories Safe Foods Corporation A global leader in food safety management, the Safe Foods Corporation partners with food processors to deliver solutions and products that reduce pathogens that cause food-borne illnesses. Since its founding in 1999, Safe Foods has developed a well-rounded portfolio of intervention technologies to meet client’s food safety goals. Based in North Little Rock, the company thrives in the heart of a state built on a strong agricultural foundation, with a growing expertise in biotechnology and healthcare. Safe Foods grew out of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Bioventrues program The business incubator program at BioVentures provides critical support to the life science startup companies emerging from UAMS technologies. Safe Foods is among more than 20 successful spinoffs of the program. In 2018, Safe Foods announced the purchase of a 120,000-square-foot, $15 million facility located on 22 acres in North Little Rock. The World Headquarters location brings the company’s operations under roof and provides exceptional access to adjacent rail and interstate transportation systems.